Expected Results and Main Activities
Result 1: Best fitting BMPs and Innovations in project countries (ref SO1)
A1.1. Inventory and stocktaking of BMPs and Innovations
A1.2 Setting the evaluation process of BMPs and Innovation
A1.3. Organisation of regional multi-actors meetings and brokerage on BMPs and Innovations
A2.1 Awareness sessions for farmers and local actors
Deliverable 2.1.1: Four reports summarizing the outcomes of stakeholder analysis exercise, one by each focus country
Deliverable 2.1.2: Interim reports on awareness events held in target countries
Deliverable 2.1.3: One (1) consolidated final report on awareness events held in target countries
A2.2 Training and capacity building in areas where BMPs and Innovations are enhanced
Deliverable 2.2.1: Six (6) reports on performed training and capacity building sessions
Deliverable 2.2.2: Final report on training and capacity building in pilot area
A2.3 Feasibility study on BMPs and Innovations
Deliverable 2.3.1: Three (3) inception report
Deliverable 2.3.2: Three (3) feasibility study reports
Deliverable 2.3.3: Three (3) field visits/consultations reports (continuous throughout the activity period)
Deliverable 2.3.4: Training modules ready to be used under the activity area A2.4 (30th month)
A2.4 Training and participatory evaluation of BMPs/Innovations implementation and upscaling – out-scaling assessment
Deliverable 2.4.1: Final training and capacity building modules (number of modules shall depend on selected innovations)
Deliverable 2.4.2: One (1) report on WE4F project selected innovations
Deliverable 2.4.3: One (1) final report of training and capacity building & awareness events
Result 2: Enhanced implementation of BMPs/innovations in study areas (ref SO1)
Result 3: BMPs /Innovations upscale and outscale scenarios performed (ref SO 1)
A3.1. Integrated and multi-thematic modelling
Deliverable 3.1.1: Modelling strategy with selected models and model combinations defined
Deliverable 3.1.2: A set of upscaling scenarios for BMPs for relevant catchment areas
A3.2. Carrying out a participatory identification of best suiting and feasible scenarios for the implementation of BMPs and Innovations by planners and decision-makers
Deliverable 3.2.1: BMPs scenario modelled
Deliverable 3.2.2: Final set of intervention scenario
R.4: A water planning/management toolbox available for Researchers and Institutions (ref SO1)
A 4.1 Customisation and integration of modelling modules and planning functions
Deliverable 4.1.1: Inventory of existing planning tools
Deliverable 4.1.2: Planning toolbox and training material
A 4.2 Technical validation of the toolbox platform
Deliverable 4.2.1: Technical validation of the WATDEV toolbox
A 4.3 Toolbox refinement and development of management procedures and guidelines
Deliverable 4.3.1: Guidelines for using the toolbox for decision-making
Result 5: Strengthened knowledge and capacity building and established regional “Water Knowledge” Hub (ref SO2)
A 5.1 Training programme on the use of the water planning toolbox
Deliverable 5.1.1: Report on the implementation of the training and coaching programs
A 5.2 Establishing of a regional Water Knowledge Hub for training and capacity building services on regional / trans-national water management in East Africa with the specific aim of sharing knowledge on climate-smart water management and with the African Network of Centres of Excellence on Water Science and Technology (ACEWATER phase II)
Deliverable 5.2.1: Water Knowledge Hub physical and technical infrastructure
A 5.3 Implementation of a regional Water Management and Knowledge Portal
Deliverable 5.3.1: Public WatDev portal