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Runoff & Soil Conservation on Maize Growth in Ile-Ife, Nigeria

These techniques are able to control runoff and erosion. The Contour bunds system consists of semi-circular earth-bunds embankments constructed along the contour lines. The Infiltration pits are trenches dug along the row of the plant-stand, filled with grasses, plant residue, stubbles or stover and covered back by a thin layer of soil.  The mulched plots involves covering of the soil with crop residues and leftovers on the field and dried grasses.  The Tied-ridges  consists of earth ridges made across the slope.










    Contour bunds (CT) combined with Infiltration pits (IP), Mulching (ML) and Tied ridges (TR)



Climate Smart WATer Management and Sustainable DEVelopment for Food and Agriculture in East Africa.

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