In the framework of WATDEV, baseline studies have been finalized in the target countries as part of the feasibility studies to set the foundation for analyzing the impacts of technical solutions on soil and water management in Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Kenya. The objectives of the assessments were to: establish a baseline for WATDEV feasibility indicators, establish teams and credible data sources for monitoring the performance of agreed indicators, identify gaps and opportunities for improving the implementation of the WATDEV project for wider impact, and facilitate the assessment of climate change impact on water and agricultural development in North and East Africa.
The assessments led to improved implementation of the Best Management Practices (BMPs) based on the identified gaps and opportunities for wider impact of the WATDEV project. The established baseline dataset will facilitate modelling the impact of the BMPs serving as an entry point for unlocking the potential of BMPs in fostering sustainable agricultural development in the Horn of Africa and Egypt- which has been battered by impacts of climate change. The established M&E framework for monitoring the feasibility indicators will provide data on a regular basis enabling the project managers to monitor the impact of the interventions. Improved knowledge and understanding of the status of soil and water management in the intervention communities is another benefit that was realized due to the assessments.
Activity 2.3 of the WATDEV project is centered on the feasibility study of the BMPs and Innovations. It is led by the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) and kicked started in March 2024 as a collaborative work with the African Partners of the project (HU, KALRO, WLRC, and WRC), in close cooperation with CIHEAM-BARI as the technical and scientific lead partner. The implementing partners supported the selection of the final list of indicators, identified the data sources for both primary and secondary data, and led data collection exercises in the target countries. Data collected was then analyzed and used to develop the inception reports.
Available evidence shows that the Horn of Africa and Egypt suffer more from the impacts of climate change compared to other regions in Africa. These assessments provide an entry point and ray of hope for unlocking the BMPs’ potential in fostering sustainable agricultural development in the region. The inception reports for the 4 countries will provide stakeholders with insights about opportunities for improving the implementation of BMPs and project activities with practical solutions to enhance impact. The studies provide countries with an opportunity to re-align their efforts to areas where there are gaps with regards to key indicators selected, cultivating resilience and fostering sustainable agrifood systems transformation in the long term.
The WATDEV project, coordinated by AICS and funded by the European Commission, in the framework of the DeSIRA initiative, is on its path towards transforming the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in the target areas and strengthening capacities of African research institutions and relevant line ministries to respond to climate change impacts for sustainable water management and food security.