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The Modelling working group decided on models integration strategy

The third meeting of the modelling working group was hosted by CNR-IPSP in Turin (Italy) on 09-10 October 2023. The Members of the working group (SYKE, ISRIC, CIHEAM-Bari) and some of the Local partners (KALRO, and HU) attended the meeting in presence, whereas representatives of WLRC and WRC attended the meeting online. The AICS Cairo Director and the CIHEAM Bari Scientific Coordinator chaired the meeting. The main objectives of the meeting were: i) to achieve a joint in-depth discussion on the integration strategies of the selected model and the framework of application; ii) to present the outcomes from Awareness Events and how these can influence the toolbox development (BMPs-driven modelling and reverse modelling); iii) to plan the collection of required data at local level. The two models (SWAT-MODFLOW and DSSAT) which will be integrated into the toolbox were presented to all participants. The reasons for their selection as well as the coupling process were explained in detail and debated. The objectives that were prioritized by local communities from the four study areas during the awareness meetings can act as the toolbox objective functions as well as a framework for the feasibility studies. The meeting also allowed project partners to discuss some management and administrative issues, in particular the monitoring plan developed by the ARCOLAB team as well as the training programme “Water, soil, and crop management in a climate-smart agriculture” addressed to key actors from the four study areas, which will start on December 2023. At the end of two days of intense work, a detailed work plan for the next months was defined with the contribution of all the partners. In the evening, the participants to the WATDEV workshop enjoyed a unique guided visit reserved exclusively to them of the Egyptian Museum of Turin, the world’s second most important museum entirely devoted to the ancient Egyptian culture.



Climate Smart WATer Management and Sustainable DEVelopment for Food and Agriculture in East Africa.

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